Jo Roderick: Non-Fiction Books



This is my Non-Fiction Bibliography; the complete list of books I’ve published so far. There are several guides and books in the works, so check back shortly. Please click on each book cover to visit the page for more information.



Jo Roderick: Non-Fiction Bibliography. The Book of Life: There is no 7 step, 14 day, 5-exercise plan to being yourself! The aim of this book is to make you think. Once you do, you will never be the same again ....  Jo Roderick: Non-Fiction Bibliography. Happy Now! Cover. A Guide to Effective Self-Publishing. Anyone who plans to publish a book needs the technical information neatly presented in layman’s terms. It is important to know the basics of electronic publishing.  Jo Roderick: Non-Fiction Bibliography. Recycled Thoughts Cover  Publish It Yourself! Cover. A Guide to Effective Self-Publishing. Anyone who plans to publish a book needs the technical information neatly presented in layman’s terms. It is important to know the basics of electronic publishing.  Format It Yourself is a Step-by-Step guide, specifically written and illustrated to help authors format their books. Whether you are publishing through CreateSpace, Kindle, or any other outlet, one of the greatest challenges is preparing and typesetting the book. This formatting manual is an in-depth typesetting Master-Class with over 60 Screenshots for guidance.  Everyday Success Guide: Viral WordPress SEO Cover. A Guide to Effective Self-Publishing. Anyone who plans to publish a book needs the technical information neatly presented in layman’s terms. It is important to know the basics of electronic publishing.



Jo Roderick: Non-Fiction Bibliography. O Livro da Vida: Não há nenhuma etapa 7, 14 dia, 5 plano de exercício para ser você mesmo! Felizmente, este livro apresenta informações lógicas que pode orientar você sobre numerosos temas.